If you have questions on ELI traded at i-Market (Li Ka Shing's exchange) and ELI traded at HKEX, please read on. 1. ELI traded at HKEX will be for popular investor,and transaction volumn should be much larger. 2. ELI will mainly traded as BULL type which is easy to understand for most investor. 3. When you enter transactions to POP system, it work just like ordinary share trading. 4. On maturity date, position will be globally withdrawn, and distribute to client's portfolio as CASH, or STOCK. POP system will calculate the exact number of stock, or exact amount of cash for you if you subscribe the ELI module. 5. In case you trade ELI at i-Market, you need to prepare contract note (or statement). You can use POP system function 1-3 to prepare contract note, then use function 3-3 for debit/credit of fund, and function 3-4 for ELI/STOCK deposit & withdrawal. Remember to mark ELI traded at i-Market as Non-CCASS stock, so that POP SYSTEM will not match Qty. with CCASS for ELI traded at i-Market. 6. You can do business on all ELI, both traded at HKEX or i-Market. So don't miss this business chance. 7. Enhance your POP system with ELI function will increase your productivity and eliminate human errors. ---------- 1. 在交易所買賣的ELI成交宗數估計大於在i-Market買賣的ELI 2. 估計大部份投資者選擇"買升"的ELI. 3. 在POP系統中處理ELI買賣,與一般股票交易無異 4. 祇是在到期日要將有關ELI提出,然後將股票或金錢存入客戶戶口 如果您訂購了POP系統的ELI MODULE,所有分配數量或金額,都會一一為您計算妥當 5. 如果您同時在i-Market為客戶買賣ELI, 您要發出買賣單及結單 在POP系統中,功能 1-3 to 用作編制買賣單 功能 3-3 to 用作金錢的存入及提出 功能 1-4 to 用作ELI/股票的存入及提出 在STOCK MASTER中記得標為非中央結算類, 拍倉時EPS不會與CCASS比較 6. 您當然可以同時為客戶在HKEX及i-Market買賣ELI. 7. 裝了POP系統ELI功能,當然可以大大減少人為錯誤 |