Please note that our SB system will be changed for new SFO to be effective on 1 April 2003. One of the changes is adding an indicator in B/S Trade to indicate the trade was "Initiated by the Intermediary". The text files for import/export are affected accordingly.
因為1/4/2003生效之證券及期貨條例, 要求中介人在交易單據上標明"公司引發"之交易.
此舉已在POP系統之各種後勤系統完成, 但與POP系統衍接之系統, 例如前端交易系統, 網上結單 等,
可能亦要作相應配合. 這是本文內容的目的. 各位可參考以下 3 個檔案
DCLayout.TXT (for Daily Combined Statement),
SBLayout.TXT (for Monthly Statement in SByymmdd.TXT),
及 BSLayout.TXT (for B/S trades import)
詳細內容, 請參考SBINT1.TXT