


         Complained about dividend payment and receipt details

         do not show up on monthly statement. In an attempt to

         fix the problem and to find a more natural solution,

         the way how dividend payment/receipt transactions are

         generated have been reramped. This will become the new

         SB-46 Dividend Credit/Bonus Advice Note print on Combine


         因應用戶回應, POP已於11/6/2004, SB-46增加功能.

         主要是將派息資料詳情, 印在綜合結單, 亦可以印在月結單上.

         是項更改, 會將Scrip Fee, Handling Fee, Collection Fee 等因素, 分別列出,

         以後貴公司之綜合結單, 及月結單, 都會有相同的顯示.


         注意: 是項改進, 乃因應證監針對個別行家作出要求, POP乃將同樣之改進, 為各受影響之行家更新.

              除非閣下提出反對, 否則POP會在一下更新版, 為貴公司(SB46功能者)免費更新.


     OLD WAY (舊有的SB46系統)

     SB generates dividend transactions differently depending on

         whether a cheque is printed for a certain stock holder.


         If a cheque is printed, SB will generated an Announcement

         transaction. When Daily Combined Statement is printed,

         this will be printed with the amount of the cheque along

         with cheque number and details of fees. Only an

         announcement is printed in monthly statement, with no

         price, which is what Unicorn is complaining about.


         Daily Combined Statement



                                                                承上日結餘 Balance B/F:-                                    0.00

         15/02/00 CN09571  Ance DIV 139  CHAIFA HOLDINGS @0.22x10,000                                    2,169.86      2,169.86 Cr

                           通告 (testing 0.22/share)

                                COL: 2.64      SCP: 27.50     OTH: 0.00    

                           Pay  DIVIDEND CHEQUE YYB           3                             2,169.86                       0.00


                                                                     結餘 Balance C/F:-                                    0.00



         Monthly statement



         15/02/00          CN09571  DIVIDEND 139 CHAIFA HOLDINGS @0.22x10,000


                                    結餘 Balance C/F:-                                                                    0.00




     If a cheque is not printed, a net dividend receipt transaction will be

         created, and the Combined Statement will show the receipt details

         as with  other ordinary receipt transactions, with additional

         information on fees.. The same goes for Monthly statement except

         that fees are not printed.



         Daily Combined Statement



                                                               承上日結餘 Balance B/F:-                                 4,339.72 Cr

         15/02/00 RC021058 Rec  DIV 139  CHAIFA HOLDINGS @0.22x20,000                                    4,339.72      8,679.44 Cr

                           收入 (testing 0.22/share)

                                COL: 5.28      SCP: 55.00     OTH: 0.00    


                                                                     結餘 Balance C/F:-                                8,679.44 Cr



         Monthly statement



         15/02/00          RC021058 DIVIDEND 139 CHAIFA HOLDINGS @0.22x20,000                          4,339.72       8,679.44 CR


                                    結餘 Balance C/F:-                                                                8,679.44 CR





     NEW WAY (11/6/2004 後, SB46 改進之格式如下, 各類費用詳細分別列出)


     SB generates separate transactions for every dividend payment and

         receipts (Dividend paid, dividend cheque, collection fee, scrip

         fee and handling fee). So all details are listed in Combined

         Statement and Montly Statement. (This works similar to Wing Hang).


     Note that with the new way, the only difference between

         a client who receives cheques and one that doesn't is the

         existence of a dividend cheque payment entry.


         Daily Combined Statement



                                                               承上日結餘 Balance B/F:-                                    0.00

         14/02/00 RC021055 Rec  DIV 139  CHAIFA HOLDINGS @0.22x10,000                                    2,200.00      2,200.00 Cr

                           收入 DIVIDEND 139 CHAIFA HOLDINGS @0.22x10,000                  

         14/02/00 PM020802 Pay  DIV 139  CHAIFA HOLDINGS @0.22x10,000                       2,169.86                      30.14 Cr

                           支付 DIVIDEND CHQ YYB   3244                                    

         14/02/00 PM020803 Pay  DIV 139  CHAIFA HOLDINGS @0.22x10,000                          27.50                       2.64 Cr

                           支付 SCRIP FEE OF 139 CHAIFA HOLDINGS                           

         14/02/00 PM020804 Pay  DIV 139  CHAIFA HOLDINGS @0.22x10,000                           2.64                       0.00

                           支付 COLLECTION FEE OF 139 CHAIFA HOLDINGS                      


                                                                     結餘 Balance C/F:-                                    0.00



         Monthly statement



                                    承上月結餘 Balance B/F:-                                                              0.00

         14/02/00          RC021055 DIVIDEND 139 CHAIFA HOLDINGS @0.22x10,000                          2,200.00       2,200.00 CR

         14/02/00          PM020802 DIVIDEND CHQ YYB   3244                             2,169.86                         30.14 CR

         14/02/00          PM020803 SCRIP FEE OF 139 CHAIFA HOLDINGS                       27.50                          2.64 CR

         14/02/00          PM020804 COLLECTION FEE OF 139 CHAIFA HOLDINGS                   2.64                          0.00


                                    結餘 Balance C/F:-                                                                    0.00


